Our Vitality Wellness Approach

A Purposeful & Systematic Process

After practicing for more than fifteen years and helping hundreds of people find meaningful solutions to pain, fatigue, and chronic diseases, our team remains committed to helping you get the care and guidance you need. Our effective, root-cause approach to health is neatly placed within an all-inclusive system, bolstered by unwavering support and a wellness discovery curriculum to ensure you achieve ultimate health and wellness.

An important message from Dr. Ayo Bankole on what’s broken in our health care system and how you can take control.

Let’s explore the four components that make up our approach:

Uncovering /the need

A thorough understanding of your health history, habits, and detailed labs is the best way to illuminate the right path forward for you. So as part of your detailed health evaluation, we’ll make space for you to be fully heard and understood. Then, with broad and specialty labs, we’ll evaluate your health and uncover underlying imbalances, roadblocks, deficiencies, and toxicities.

Understanding /the science

Once we know what needs combating, we’ll provide custom therapeutic recommendations to be carried out in your doctor’s visits and integrated into your coaching sessions. Plus, you’ll gain access to on-demand, virtual wellness education to support your journey to wellness.

Unwavering /support

Individualized support is offered in two intentional ways: (1) doctor’s care to provide ongoing recommendations, reviews of lab work, and planning sessions so you know the path ahead, and (2) health coaching sessions to help you strategically improve health habits.

With consistent and customized accountability and motivation, you’ll confidently and sustainably implement healthy lifestyle recommendations into your daily routine and ultimately take ownership of your health.

Unrivaled /therapeutics

Due to the degree of chronicity and complexity of health conditions, therapies are sometimes a result-enhancing part of the wellness journey. For example, cardio-metabolic disease, immune challenges, hormonal imbalance, gastrointestinal disorders, autoimmunity, cancer, chronic fatigue, pain, and many other conditions are positively impacted by specific therapies. These therapies may include:

● Ozone therapy 
● Chelation therapy 
● Prolotherapy 
● Intravenous therapy
● Bio-identical hormone therapy

Stop suppressing, start healing

If you’re tired of medicating symptoms and never experiencing lasting relief, our comprehensive approach is just for you. Your approach is custom-designed to uncover root causes of your concerns and bring your body back to optimal health.

Give your body what it needs to thrive, naturally

Getting started is easy


Illustration of Step 1

Book a complimentary call.

We’ll start with a short call to get to know you. If we’re confident we can help, we’ll invite you to the office for a longer consultation.

Illustration of Step 1

Get a straightforward plan.

During your initial consultation we’ll go deep into your health history and will conduct testing needed to provide your personalized wellness strategy. Your approach is led by our licensed naturopathic doctors and includes visits, health coaching, and supplements.

Illustration of Step 1

Live your best life.

With clear answers and a thoughtful approach, you can expect measurable results and a team relentlessly devoted to your wellness.

How We Help.

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Cardio-Metabolic Diseases

Our Cardio-Metabolic Approach is for individuals whose primary concern is cardiovascular or blood sugar related. It works for both those who have active disease and those responding proactively to early and subtle signs of heart weakness. With this comprehensive, treat-the-cause approach, you can expect lasting results for conditions like atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy, peripheral vascular disease, and erectile dysfunction.

Doctor Support

During your intake, your doctor will gain a complete understanding of your health history, symptoms, and habits. Then, with the results of specialty testing, your doctor will create an individualized treatment plan that addresses underlying causes. During your continuum of care, progress will be assessed and ongoing recommendations provided.

Lab Testing

Heart wellness requires looking deeper, including the identification and treatment of standard and novel risk factors such as inflammation, subtle signs of heart weakness, and genetic mutations. We utilize Cleerly to determine personal heart attack risk by identifying the extent and nature of your plaque. We assess several factors as they relate to our patients’ cardiovascular health:

  • Cleerly CT angiogram to characterize and quantify your plaque
  • Cardio genetics for unique risk factors
  • Markers of arterial inflammation
  • Advanced lipid profile for particle size and additional lipid related risk factors
  • Glucose regulation
  • Stored toxic heavy metals
  • Methylation

Wellness Coaching

Following the virtual cardio-metabolic health education we provide, you’ll focus on lifestyle recommendations and nutrition to support cardiovascular energy, healthy lipid profiles, circulation, arterial compliance, and to decrease arterial inflammation. You’ll have the support of a health coach along the way who will help you ensure the changes you make are sustainable and lifelong.

Cardiovascular Therapies

Dependent upon your unique needs, Cardiovascular Therapeutics may include:

● EDTA chelation therapy or heavy metal chelation therapy
● Customized amino acid, antioxidant and botanical therapy to optimize cardiovascular energy, arterial health, and healthy lipids
● Customized supplementation to address unique genetic risk factors
● Nutrition to support cellular energy, healthy lipids, and optimal blood sugar
● Therapeutic cleansing and detoxification to remove toxins

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Women’s Hormonal Balance & Healthy Aging

We support women experiencing hormonal changes due to the natural aging process or hormone imbalances. By integrating the latest evidence in the areas of hormonal regulation, nutrition, and lifestyle, we can help you gain lasting results for lowered energy, low sex drive, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, insomnia, anxiety, PMS, hair loss, and some hormone-related medical diagnoses, such as osteopenia/osteoporosis, uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breasts, and overactive/underactive thyroid.

Doctor Support

During your intake, your doctor will gain a complete understanding of your health history, symptoms, and habits. Then, with the results of specialty testing, your doctor will create an individualized treatment plan that addresses underlying causes. During your continuum of care, progress will be assessed and ongoing recommendations provided.

Lab Testing

Lab tests will check for hormonal imbalances along with any contributing factors. We will check these common causes of disregulation:

● Thyroid function
● Glucose regulation
● Sex hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone
● Hormone metabolites
● Diurnal cortisol values
● Inflammatory markers
● Methylation defects
● Nutrient deficiencies

Wellness Coaching

Gain access to a curriculum of nutritional and holistic therapies designed for optimum balance and regulation of the endocrine system. We will address thyroid function, efficient metabolism, bone health, and energy levels. You’ll have the support of a health coach along the way who will help you ensure the changes you make are sustainable and lifelong.

Women's Therapies

Based on your unique needs for balancing hormones and healthy aging, our therapies may include:

● Nutritional supplements and botanical therapy to support hormone production and metabolism
● Therapeutic cleansing and detoxification
● Appropriate estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone
● Individualized formulations to support energy, metabolism, and healthy aging
● Intravenous nutritional therapy

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Gastrointestinal Disorders

Because gastrointestinal health is central to overall health, our therapies for GI issues consider both the root causes and the resulting symptoms. Our GI wellness approach is ideal for individuals suffering from short- or long-term disturbances, especially when conventional treatment has been unsuccessful. You can expect lasting results for bacterial overgrowth/candida, constipation/diarrhea, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, reflux, Helicobacter pylori, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and intestinal permeability.

Doctor Support

During your intake, your doctor will gain a complete understanding of your health history, symptoms, and habits. Then, with the results of specialty testing, your doctor will create an individualized treatment plan that addresses underlying causes. During your continuum of care, progress will be assessed and ongoing recommendations provided.

Lab Testing

Lab tests for GI issues will check for common but often overlooked issues causing discomfort, such as:

● Intestinal permeability
● Food sensitivities
● Bacterial overgrowth, microbial imbalance
● H. pylori
● Parasitic infection
● Nutrient deficiencies
● Nutrient breakdown and absorptive capacity
● Celiac disease

Wellness Coaching

Our Gastrointestinal Wellness curriculum is designed to provide you step-by-step nutritional and lifestyle recommendations to remove and replace offending foods and decrease inflammation in the GI tract. This will allow your body to heal and restore proper digestive function. You’ll have the support of a health coach along the way who will help you ensure the changes you make are sustainable and lifelong.

GI Therapies

Based on your unique needs, we may recommend the following therapies:

● Custom botanical and supplement formulations to heal the GI tract and decrease inflammation
● Anti-microbial formulations to eradicate harmful bacteria
● Custom formulations to optimize digestion, absorption, motility, and promote optimal liver and gallbladder function
● Therapeutic cleansing and detoxification 

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Autoimmune Disorders

To treat autoimmune disorders, we focus on identifying triggers of autoimmunity that, once addressed, reduce inflammation. Our holistic therapies can eliminate the need for conventional drugs, which are often toxic to the human body. With this comprehensive approach, you can expect lasting results for conditions such as autoimmune thyroiditis, Hashimoto’s, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s Disease, lupus, and multiple sclerosis.

Doctor Support

During your intake, your doctor will gain a complete understanding of your health history, symptoms, and habits. Then, with the results of specialty testing, your doctor will create an individualized treatment plan that addresses underlying causes. During your continuum of care, progress will be assessed and ongoing recommendations provided.

Lab Testing

Lab tests will look for triggers of autoimmunity that are often overlooked and check other possible causes for inflammation. We look at:

● Inflammatory markers
● Intestinal permeability
● Inflammation and autoimmune-triggering pathogens
● Parasite testing
● Nutritional deficiencies
● Hormone imbalance

Wellness Coaching

Our Autoimmune Wellness curriculum provides step-by-step nutritional and lifestyle recommendations to reduce inflammation, stabilize the immune response and improve your resistance to stressors. You’ll have the support of a health coach along the way who will help you ensure the changes you make are sustainable and lifelong.


Therapies for autoimmune disorders might include:

● Hypoallergenic and anti-inflammatory nutritional protocols
● Therapeutic fasting
● Therapeutic cleansing and detoxification
● Low-dose naltrexone
● Custom botanical and supplement formulations to reduce inflammation and heal the GI tract
● Hormone balancing and replacement

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Skin & Hair Health

Conditions involving your skin and hair are often treated with steroids that only provide temporary solutions. We look deeper into the root causes of the condition and create therapies that work from the inside out to produce lasting results. Using this comprehensive approach, we can help you address acne, eczema, psoriasis, hair loss, hidradenitis suppurativa, and lichen sclerosis.

Doctor Support

During your intake, your doctor will gain a complete understanding of your health history, symptoms, and habits. Then, with the results of specialty testing, your doctor will create an individualized treatment plan that addresses underlying causes. During your continuum of care, progress will be assessed and ongoing recommendations provided.

Lab Testing

Along with laboratory testing to evaluate standard organ function, your doctor will review markers related to the health of your skin and hair, including:

● Sex hormones
● Stress hormones
● Thyroid hormone markers
● Autoimmune markers
● Nutrient deficiencies
● Inflammatory markers
● Environmental allergies
● Food sensitivities

Wellness Coaching

Our skin and hair health curriculum provides a step-by-step nutritional and lifestyle guide to promote an improved complexion and restore hair growth. We treat the root causes of skin and hair concerns by balancing hormones, reducing inflammation to promote healing, and optimizing your nutrition. You’ll have the support of a health coach along the way who will help you ensure the changes you make are sustainable and lifelong.

Skin & Hair Therapies

Individualized plans for skin & hair issues may include:

● Topical formulations
● Botanical and supplement formulations
● Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy
● Therapeutic nutritional recommendations
● Sublingual immunotherapy

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Men’s Hormonal Balance & Healthy Aging

Hormone changes occur at every stage of men’s lives, and the changes that come as they age often affect their quality of life. We focus on bringing balance to your hormones and regulating your endocrine system to promote healthy aging. Our comprehensive approach to men’s health can give you lasting results for erectile dysfunction, low libido, low motivation, loss of muscle mass, rising cholesterol levels, poor arterial health, blood sugar regulation, anxiety, insomnia, and benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Doctor Support

During your intake, your doctor will gain a complete understanding of your health history, symptoms, and habits. Then, with the results of specialty testing, your doctor will create an individualized treatment plan that addresses underlying causes. During your continuum of care, progress will be assessed and ongoing recommendations provided.

Lab Testing

Lab tests will evaluate your hormone levels and other factors contributing to hormonal imbalance, such as:

● Glucose regulation
● Sex hormones, including testosterone, estrogen and progesterone
● Thyroid function
● Hormone metabolites
● Diurnal cortisol values
● Inflammatory markers
● Cardiovascular markers
● Methylation defects
● Nutrient deficiencies

Wellness Coaching

After we have assessed your needs, we will provide an individualized plan for nutrition, lifestyle, and holistic care. We will address thyroid function, efficient metabolism, muscle mass, and energy levels to optimize your quality of life and promote healthy aging. You’ll have the support of a health coach along the way who will help you ensure the changes you make are sustainable and lifelong.

Men's Health Therapies

Based on our evaluation, we may recommend the following therapies:

●  Botanical and supplementation therapies to support hormone production and regulate hormone metabolism
● Therapeutic cleansing and detoxification
● Progesterone and testosterone, when appropriate
● Individualized formulations to support energy, metabolism, and healthy aging
● Intravenous nutritional therapies