How Chelation Therapy Heals Heart Disease


Heart disease is the number one cause of death for both men and women and is responsible for one in every four deaths in the US. Its’ incidence has steadily risen despite public awareness campaigns, newer drugs and innovative surgical techniques. Conventionally, efforts to identify individuals for heart disease rely on the identification of standard risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, family history, advancing age, male gender and smoking. Unfortunately, many who suffer from heart disease never know they have it until they experience declines in output, progressive fatigue or chest pain. Many never learn they have heart disease until a heart attack occurs. Since heart disease often goes unnoticed and undertreated, and the consequences being particularly deadly, doctors should maintain a low threshold to order simple and cost-effective markers to recognize cardiovascular risk, even in the absence of traditional risk factors. Patients may consider Chelation Therapy as an effective and safe therapeutic approach to improving arterial health and reversing cardiovascular disease.


NaEDTA Chelation Therapy

NaEDTA (sodium ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid) chelation therapy has been in clinical use for about 40 years. It is administered intravenously to improve the health of the arteries, especially those that nourish the heart. Chelation gets its name by the action of incorporating metal ions and minerals into its ring structure. These metal ions and minerals include lead, cadmium, mercury and calcium. With its negative charge, NaEDTA reacts with and irreversibly binds to positively charged metals, to neutralize and carry them out of the body.


NaEDTA Chelation Therapy Background

NaEDTA is an FDA approved medication used to chelate lead from patients. Early on it was observed to relieve symptoms like chest pain, impaired circulation and poor exercise tolerance in patients with heart disease. These findings were later reproduced in subsequent studies designed to directly investigate the role of NaEDTA in heart disease. Along with lead, excessive levels of trace minerals, especially calcium, accumulate in diseased arterial walls. These minerals in combination with toxic heavy metals impede the enzyme systems integral for proper metabolism and detoxification of the cardiovascular system. Free radical damage and inflammation ensues; contributing to injury and hardening of the arteries. EDTA binds and removes this toxic material, promoting normal functioning enzyme systems to promote reversal of heart disease.


Benefits of Chelation Therapy

  • Decreases platelet stickiness
  • May remove calcium from arterial plaque deposits
  • Improves cardiac function
  • Improves blood flow
  • Increases arterial wall elasticity
  • Improves endurance
  • Improves cognition
  • Decreases oxidative damage to lipids
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Improves bone mineral density
  • Improves kidney function
  • Improves circulation in diabetic wounds

Observational studies by physicians around the world show that the most noticeable improvements occur approximately three months after the last treatment. It is, however, not unusual for patients to note decreased frequency and or intensity of chest pain and improved exercise tolerance even early on in a treatment course.


NaEDTA Chelation Administration

The proper administration route for treating heart disease or conditions of aging is intravenous. This is because only five percent of orally taken EDTA is absorbed. Claims of adequate absorption and effectiveness of orally taken EDTA are unsubstantiated. The number of treatments and frequency is based on your unique situation. If you have advanced heart disease, you’re likely to require 20 to 40 treatments. Treatment frequency typically ranges from one to three times weekly. Patients with more advanced disease benefit from more frequent treatments. A NaEDTA chelation treatment is administered as a slow drip, typically lasting from 2 to 3 hours. The exact dosage and rate is individualized to age, weight and kidney function.


Chelation Therapy Safety

NaEDTA chelation therapy is extremely safe. Like any medical therapy, specific protocols are established, and monitoring is required. Proper dosages and administration rates are maintained to protect kidney function. Post treatment fatigue can occur as result of EDTA binding minerals needed by the body. Although EDTA preferentially binds metals such as lead, cadmium and aluminum over minerals like iron, calcium, zinc and manganese, they are replenished to maintain balance. Women of childbearing age are monitored for iron status. NaEDTA chelation therapy should only be administered by doctors trained by and following the protocols established by the American College for Advancement in Medicine and the Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.



Heart disease remains the number one cause of death in the US. Since heart disease often goes unnoticed and undertreated, and the consequences being particularly deadly, doctors should maintain a low threshold to order simple and cost-effective markers to recognize risks early, even in the absence of traditional risk factors. Patients may consider Chelation Therapy as an effective and safe therapeutic approach to improving arterial health and reversing cardiovascular disease.

Dr. Ayo Bankole

Bankole is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor treating persons with heart disease, diabetes, inflammation and other environmental and lifestyle related conditions. He also possesses advanced training in environmental medicine and uses IV nutritional therapy, detoxification and chelation therapy.

He is a member of the American Academy for the Advancement of Medicine, the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, and the California Association of Naturopathic Doctors

To learn more about Chelation Therapy and our approach to treating heart disease call 909-981-9200 to schedule your FREE DISCOVERY CALL.